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XboxOne vs PS4 vs WiiU - Odprta "debata" za fanboye

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Govori se da je Phil Harrison zapustil MS štab!

MS je potrdil odhod Harrison-a:

"Phil Harrison has chosen to pursue business interests outside of Microsoft," said head of Xbox Phil Spencer in a statement to GamesIndustry. "Phil has been a distinguished leader for our European Xbox team - overseeing production at our award-winning European studios and making a substantial contribution to the Xbox business globally. I want to thank Phil for his creativity and leadership over the past three years. Phil is a great friend of mine and I wish him the very best with his future endeavours."

Harrison himself also issued GamesIndustry a statement about his departure. It reads: "I have enjoyed the last three years at Microsoft enormously and it has been a privilege to lead and work along side the incredible talent within Microsoft Studios in Europe, including Rare, Lionhead, Lift, Soho and Press Play. I wish them and my many friends throughout the Xbox world every continued success and know that games will continue to prosper across Microsoft under Phil Spencer's leadership."

Urejano od matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Unity CEO John Riccitiello says Sony has earned this victory.

Speaking at the GamesBeat Summit, as reported by VentureBeat, Riccitiello said Microsoft shot itself in the foot by not putting gamers first, allowing Sony an easy win.

“There was a clash of ideas that really separated Sony and Microsoft. They actually had very similar architecture that they were trying to bring to the table,” he said.

“But Microsoft focused a lot on entertainment beyond gaming. Microsoft was trying to [compete against] Apple. They didn’t feel gaming was big enough to justify the pent-up desire to have the recognition they wanted as an innovator.”

Meanwhile, Sony doubled down on games and gamers.

“Sony just said, ‘We’ve made the best fucking game system we could’ – partly because they didn’t have the resources to do more about it,” Riccitiello said.

“Microsoft was focused on the shot after the one they needed to make, putting the seven ball in the corner pocket, but they missed the first shot and didn’t get another shot after it. Sony focused on the shot they needed to make, which was win the hearts and minds of the gamer.

“The broader scope of entertainment might be a bigger idea, but not with an unfocused execution. A tight execution on the 50 million people that matter, which are the people currently lapping up consoles.

“Sony fucking nailed it, and they deserve the victory.”

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Prodajne številke po EU:

  • Italija:
    According to Sony, PS4 sales is dominating the console market in Italy with an impressive 70 percent market share for now-gen (PS4, Xbox One and Wii U) platforms. Comparing it to the PS3, the PS4 is selling 60 percent faster in the same time frame.

  • Nemčija:
    PS4: 1,600,000
    XBO: 378,000

  • Francija:
    PS4: 1,392,000
    XBO: 331,000

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Drzne izjave iz Xbox štaba:

“There’s tens of millions of Xbox 360 fans that are out there that are still playing on Xbox 360 and they’re waiting for the right time and the right reason to migrate over to Xbox One,” Greenberg told GameSpot.

“Whether they’ve been waiting for the first true next-gen Halo with Halo 5 or if they’ve been waiting for solutions like backwards compatibility, we do expect to see a pretty massive migration this holiday of those fans.”

Da bo sam Halo 5 prodal par deset milijonov XO konzol je goljufivo upanje. Par milijonov ja, par deset pa zagotovo ne. Že sama igra bo potrebovala kar nekaj časa, da bo prodanih 10 milijonov izvodov (če sploh kdaj). Bodo pa zagotovo prodali veliko Halo 5 Limited verzij konzole.

Kompatibilnost za nazaj, pa tudi ne bo kaj preveč povečala prodaje. Tisti, ki je hotel je itak že kupil XO in si je prihranil X360. Novim kupcem ta funkcija verjetno ne bo kaj dosti pomenila.

BTW MS sploh več ne poroča svojih Xbox shipping številk. Pravijo da je od sedaj naprej pomemben samo še podatek o številu prijavljenih Live uporabnikov na mesec (sem spadajo tudi tistih s silver računom!). :roll:

Mislim da se je velik del migracije že zgodil, samo ne iz X360 na XO, ampak iz X360 na PS4. :D

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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No tukaj bom pa jaz vskocil v debato. Halo se bo prodal v vec kot 10mio izvodih, garant. Ne takoj bo pa se.

@Bessie, ah SP v Halo je na drugem mestu MP je pa na prvem in Halo je nasploh prvak v MP. Je pa res ni za vsakega, rabis skill. ;)

Jaz bom kupil XO samo zaradi Halo pa dvomim da bom preigral SP.

MP je tisto zaradi katerega se kupi Halo.

Jem jim z roke. ;)

@Matej, ko pades v ta tekoci MP si gotov, res jaz nIsem se igral boljsega MP.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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No bomo videli. Jaz ostanem pri 5 milijonih. :)

Bodo se morali še hudičevo potruditi, ker trenutno je prodanih cca 15 milijonov XO konzol.

Sem igral MP, pa mi ni potegnilo. Mogoče bi moral dlje vstrajat.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

jaz se potegnem za mateja1990 mislim da bo igra prodana v 5miljonih ne verjamem da presegla 10miljonov

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@luka24 Halo je uspel predvsem zaradi Bungie-ja, ki so... in se fura na staro slavo, Master Chief collection se sicer ne prodaja slabo ampak naj bil glede na odzive kar razočaranje in prvi komentarji glede 5 niso ravno navdušujoči.

Je pa baza itak dovolj velika, da jim težko spodleti...če pa jim bo pa to velik fail, tako za franšizo kot za X1.

Sicer pa...


...H5 je obvezen nakup za vse lastnike X1 ;)

Urejano od Bessie


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