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Ekskluzivno:The Order: 1886


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Igra preigrana in platinasta trofeja dobljena... že zdavnaj! :tepen: Zdaj pa sem se končno spravil nakrampat skupaj material in zapisati povzetek.




Meni je igra še vedno všeč in mi ni žal nakupa. Aja, to da je igra kratka, me je še najmanj motilo. Bolj ji zamerim druge težave v spodnjem opisu.




Igro sem igral nekje 10h na normal težavnost, stem da sem res obrnil skorajda vsak skrit kotiček v igri in prebral vsak cajtng in poslušal sem vse zvočne zapiske kar se je v igri dalo. Tisti ki jo preigra v 5h, mora dobesedno samo zleteti skozi igro, kar spet nima smisla...
Dodatno sem pokuril še 1-2h za platinum trofejo, pa še to samo zaradi tega, ker nikjer ni vidno kaj si že pobral in kaj ne. Tukaj je dober YT video vsega kar se da v igri pobrat:

Platinum trofeja je po moje prelahka in tudi druge trofeje padajo kot po tekočem traku. Skorajda gešenk trofeje.




Zgodba je čisto solidna. Takšna viteška z zarotami. Ni pa nikakor kak presežek in bi se jo dalo bolje izvesti. Določeni deli se odvijajo počasi, spet drugi gredo prehitro "skozi". Najbolj jim zamerim konec. Kaj točno so tukaj študirali ne vem... Mene je pustil ravnodušnega. Sem pričakoval nekaj epskega, tako pa me je razočaral po zgodbeni in tudi po gameplay plati. :( Zame ni zadovoljiv konec. Škoda.
Če me že igra sili k pritiskanju gumbov, potem naj imajo vsaj nek smisel. Zakaj hudiča ne moreš odločati o svojih dejanjih? Kaj če nočem pritisniti na gumb? Konec je idealno zasnovan za to. Igra te prisili da klikaš gumbe in ti sploh ne da druge izbire.
Največja uganka pa mi je zakaj hudiča ni nič kaj več povedanega o njihovih magičnih napitkih (Blackwater)?!? The Order: 1885/7? :fiufiu:
Škoda zakaj niso bolj razvili zgodbe in bi tako mimogrede še podaljšali gameplay, ki je marsikoga odvrnil od nakupa.




Glede vizualnosti igre, definitivno popravljam svoje mišljenje. The Order: 1886 je najlepša igra na PS4. :love: Vizualno je 10/10. Upam da bo tudi Uncharted vsaj takšen. :hyper:




Atmosfera v igri je vrhunska! Precej scen je takšnih, da se zaustaviš in se naslajaš ob lepotah.




Obrazne animacije in izrazi so :drool:.




Več o teh impresivnih vizualnih dosežkih v tem članku: Digital Foundry dissects PS4's most impressive visual showcase




Kot sem že prvotno omenil, sem bil zelo pozitivno presenečen nad gameplayem, še posebej strelno mehaniko. Ne vem točno zakaj, ampak mi je bilo streljanje v tej igri zelo všeč. V igri se pojavi tudi stealth-only sekcija, ki dobro razbije monotonost streljanja in je dobro narejena.





Orožja so kul. Orožja, ki jih uporablja The Order, so močnejša od ostalih in predstavljajo pri igranju prednost. Ko se le da sem jih uporabljal. So lastnoročna pogruntavščina Nikole Tesle.




ccs-803-144776325803_thumb.jpg Tesla vs Edison


Najbolj zanimive in močne nasprotnike predstavljajo volkodlaki, ampak je žal premalo bojev z njimi. Bi si jih želel več in z večjim številom hkrati.
Med človeškimi nasprotniki pa predstavljajo trn v peti čeladarji s šibrovkami. Ti imajo neverjetno agresiven pristop, njihova orožja pa te lahko ob enem strelu spravijo na vse štiri. Definitivno popestrijo boje.




Opazovanje predmetov v roki je sicer kul prvih 3x, nato pa več ni zanimivo. Morali bo dodati nekaj zraven. Mogoče komentar lika ali kaj podobnega. Trenutno vse skupaj deluje kot da je v igri zato, da pač nekaj zbiraš oz. da dobiš trofejo.




Za na konec lahko pa povem še to, da ne vem kdaj sem igral AAA igro, ki je tako ZELO dobro spolirana. Nisem zasledil niti enega samega buga. Day-one patch je bil velik samo skromnih 40MB. Ves čas igra teče na stabilnih 30FPS in sem med celotnim igranjem zasledil samo en upad frejmov, pa še to med močno eksplozijo. Ostali bi si lahko vzeli tole igro za vzor! :yes:


Easter eggs! Zraven že od Bessie-a naštetih, sem opazil še tegale:
ccs-803-14477632608_thumb.jpg Daxter (iz Jak and Daxter) in Kratosovo orožje!


Moja ocena bi bila 8/10. Priporočam!

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Urejano od Bessie


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Spodaj citirano od Ru Weerasuriya – CEO and Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios

This Neo-Victorian London will seem familiar to everyone, however, advances in technology will take centre stage in many ways as you navigate the city. One of the main examples is the advent of electricity throughout the city, well before its time. Gas lamps are replaced by electric street lights. Everywhere you go, you can hear the hum of electricity running through the city.

The London subway system is present in our version of the world, but it is much more advanced than it was in real life. Certain sections of the subway system run above ground in between buildings throughout the city. Electric signs line the streets making some areas of London almost look like Time Square.

The other big change you will witness is in the skyline of London. Although the familiar sights of Big Ben, St. Paul’s and the Tower Bridge are present, the skyline is broken up by watch towers. Their searchlights are consistently scanning the city and the skies. The other change in the skyline is the presence of airship mooring towers. In The Order: 1886, London is patrolled day and night by a squadron of dirigibles called the Sentinels. All of these are a constant reminder that the world is not as it seems.

These changes are the result of our Industrial Revolution, mankind’s chance to take the upper hand in a centuries-old war. Mankind now has access to advanced weapons, one of which you saw in the trailer – a rifle that can fire electricity.

Communicators give you the ability to converse with the rest of your squad. A thermite gun allows you to shoot a cloud of inflammable thermite that can be ignited by a flame or by shooting a flare into it. In contrast to these advanced weapons, you will still be able to use more traditional black powder guns. These give a sense of realism and believability to the world and make the atmosphere feel dirty and palpable, reminiscent of the way we are used to viewing the real post-Industrial Revolution Europe.





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Evo, skani iz Game Informerja, ki je špil oklical za verjetno najbolj impresiven špil dosedaj. Je par novih slikc.

Quick recap članka

  • In concept since 2005
  • Trailer graphics are what you can expect it to look like in-game
  • Everything in the world is rendered with soft body physics
  • Metal beams react for example to magnetic forces, bending and shifting in real time
  • Incredible attention to detail: Lens flare catches light as you rotate the camera, oil lamps flash independently in an underground scene, light bouncing off every object provides uncanny realism, insane attention to material detail like wood, leather and cloth.
  • Clouds and particles of dust float around lamp flames, subtely settling down on the camera lense
  • Ready at Dawn spent a lot of time making the weapons unique, giving each personality. Grounded in understandable science but also have behaviors that you wouldn't expect
  • Examples of guns: Arc Gun like you saw in the trailer, Combo Gun has two different settings, you can blow enemies back with a non-lethal charge to make space as well as using standard rifle fire, Thermite Rifle can shoot a chemical onto enemies, using secondary fire to shoot flares to light them on fire, frag grenades can be used typically or hoisted onto the environment via spikes
  • Around 7th or 8th century, humanity splinters, with many getting 'beastial traits', becoming 'half breeds'
  • Thus begins the conflict
  • Humanity basically forms a version of the Knights of the Round Table, in this case, The Order to fight off this enemy
  • Through a strange turn of events, they discover a substance called "black water", giving them unusually long lives and unique ability to recover from injury
  • The Knights continue to age, but at a much, much slower rate which they use to battle for centuries
  • It's basically a curse given they continuously see everything around them leave and die off, it's both a salvation and a curse for them
  • This leads up to the 19th century and the changes facilitate the unique futuristic Industrial Age you see before you
  • You play as Grayson, known as "Sir Galahad" (guy with the porn stache)
  • A new threat emerges as parts of society (humans) begin to rebel against the rulership and are disgruntled with the inequality between layers of society
  • Battle scenes are chaotic and exciting, with use of cover, somewhat similar to of Gears of War
  • "While the focus is on third-person gunplay combat, The Order sometimes pulls back for slower paced moments of investigation and exploration."
  • Ready at Dawn took a unique twist to QTEs, sometimes melee attacks occur during gameplay, time slows down and you can rotate your camera and find different things in the environment to give you an edge. These can range from dodging a punch or grabbing an improvised weapon for example
  • Focused on a very strong story driven single player now, not willing to talk about any multiplayer
  • Interactive cutscenes keep players in control of part of the action (like shooting) while a preset dramatic moment plays out.



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Pogovor med Andrea Pessinom (Ready At Dawn Studios) ter Timom Mossom (Sony Santa Monica) iz Twitterja nakazuje da bo The Order: 1886 izšla jeseni 2014.

4a609066a2fe163fe8f40191319db627_normal.jpeg Andrea Pessino @AndreaPessino

@TDMoss as it should be - it is the best console evah! ;)

Twitter_normal.jpg Tim Moss @TDMoss


.@AndreaPessino looking forward to what you make it do next fall! No pressure ;-P

6:37 PM - 30 Nov 2013

1 Retweet 1 favorite

Samo da izida igre ne bodo prestavili.


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Igra bo zaklenjena na 30 FPS ter FullHD 1080p ločljivost.

An interview with Ready at Dawn boss Ru Weerasuriya by German website Play3 reveals The Order: 1886, one of Sony's high-profile PS4 releases in 2014, will be locked at 30 frames per second.

Odločitev je bila sprejeta zaradi spektakularnih učinkov ter največje ločljivosti.

Weerasuriya, in a translation courtesy of Gaming Bolt, explains the decision was made ". . . In favor of spectacular effects and the highest resolution," though he admits that 60 frames per second makes sense first-person shooters and fighting games.


Znano je tudi da igra ne bo vsebovala Multiplayjerja.

PlayStation 4 exclusive The Order: 1886 does not feature multiplayer, according to Read At Dawn chief technical officer and co-founder Andrea Pessino.

Obviously stating this lead to a number of questions as to why this is the case, to which he replied, "Better to do one thing well than a whole bunch half-assed.

"We are trying to make a SP experience you will enjoy."

Končno igra, ki bo dala priložnost tudi SP in verjamem da MP ne bo prav nič manjkal. Samo še DLCji naj pridejo al pa kak season pass. :-)

Urejano od japanboy


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Pa še nekaj posnetkov zaslona:








Soft-physics & Animations:

Gameplay mechanics:

Vem samo to, da upam da izdajo kakšno collectors edicijo, ker je to edina igra za PS4, ki bi jo hotel met že zdaj in v čimobsežnejši ediciji.








Urejano od japanboy


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