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Ekskluzivno:Crytek: Wii U vsaj tako močen kot Xbox 360


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Danes je Nintendo objavil nov Nintendo Direct:

Povzetek via NeoGAF:

Parental Controls

- Nintendo realizes that some parents may fear that their children may use the Wii U's internet functionality without permission. Wii U has Parental Controls.

- Can restrict content based on user age, CERO (Japan ESRB) rating, internet functionality, internet browser, e-Shop spending, Miiverse functionality, friend registrations, videos, data management, internet settings

- Wii U keyboard input can save user input habits and predictive input in a specific database that depends on the game and user. Wii U does not save input data that you don't want other users to know into the database.

- Miiverse settings can be turned on/off depending on the save profiles per game.

USB Data Storage

- 8GB = 7.2GB, 32GB = 29GB in terms of actual save data. Wii U uses around 4.2GB when using the system for the first time.

- NSMBU is ~2GB, Nintendo Land is ~3.2GB. So, both won't fit into the Basic set at the same time.

- Wii U lets you put data onto a connected USB media drive.

- One USB drive at a time only.

- Cannot disconnect the external drive while plugged into the Wii U and receiving power.

- You can use general drives.

- In terms of powering the HDD while connecting to the Wii U, if you do not use a Y Cable Type drive (2 USB cables), then Nintendo cannot guarantee it will work properly.

- Nintendo can guarantee functionality if the HDD plugs into a power outlet.

- No games on USB Flash Memory due to games not running properly all the time (whatever this means...)

- Wii U will read up to 2TB only for external hard drives

- In Data Management, you must format the connected media drive. Note that this means you cannot use the drive with a PC.

- You can move data from internal Wii U storage to external USB media in Data Management and vice versa. Data on both internal and external media will appear in the menu.

- At launch, only 1 USB hard drive can be connected, but through a future update, more than 1 will be possible and you will be able to move data between them freely.

- SD Cards can hold PC data, Wii Virtual Console, Wii Ware, and Wii save data, but cannot be used to save Wii U game save data.

Backwards Compatibility

- Wii games, Virtual Console, Wii Ware stuff cannot be played using the GamePad screen, but only on the TV in Wii Mode

- Iwata: "We understand that there are people who were looking forward to playing Wii games, Virtual Console games, and so forth on the GamePad, but unfortunately we cannot accommodate those users' expectations."

- There are plans for a Wii U Virtual Console that WILL be compatible with the Wii U GamePad. Please look forward to it in the future.

Nintendo Network Premium

- For Premium Set buyers only

- Point service

- Make Nintendo Network ID, then login to find and user the service

- After logging in, you can see the points you have earned

- Buy with download card or download number

- Earn 10% back on purchases

- Earn back purchase points in ¥500 increments

- Points earned can be used with Wii U/3DS e-Shop, Wii Shopping Channel, DSi Shop

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No, ko so bili Američani tako veseli in nekateri kar konkretno egoistični, da češ morajo met prvi Wii U, pred Evropo in Azijo - evo, pa majo vra*a >:. Upam da dokler pride Wii U k nam v Evropo, da dotlej poštimajo to zadevo in izdajo fix. Če že konzola ni kriva.

Sicer pa kabel iz elektrike potegnit sredi posodabljanja sistema je praktično harakiri. Tega najbrž pri nalaganju novega OSja na PC ne bodo šli nardit :>. Sicer pa če bi samo malo pomislili na to kako hitrost interneta imajo in koliko je velika posodobitev bi jim že bilo jasno kako dolgo bo trajalo. WiiUjeva posodobitev ta prva ki je, pač z neko navadno linijo pač ne bo dol v 5-15 minutah >:.

Urejano od japanboy


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Očitno Wii U zaenkrat kar konkretno šteka (postane neodziven) čisto naključno in še ugasnit se ga ne da s power on/off gumbom, ampak ga je treba izklopiti iz elektrike.

Why the rush job, Nintendo?! :yuck:

Pride fix v kratkem

se je pa N odločil za IMO zelo čudno razporeditev pomnilnika, a gre v bistvu za evolucijo njihovega dizajna... nvem, mislim da tle neki ne vemo, zakaj so to izbrali. Cena ni faktor, ampak neki drugega



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Ne ugašaj WiiU-ja med posodabljanjem...

Unplugging the Wii U during the day-one firmware update might brick the console for good, LA Times film and video game industry journalist Ben Fritz reports on Twitter. Fritz says he unplugged his Wii U 15 minutes into the update, when the progress bar said it would take two hours to finish, and his console is now completely busted. There was no "cancel" option, Fritz says.


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Posodobitev, ki jo Wii U ponudi, ko se vzpostavi Wi-Fi povezavo ni "velika" 5GB kot je večina strani poročala po prvih odzivih, marveč le 1GB.

As we reported yesterday, the update is not 5GB (as nearly every site has seemingly decided is now fact), but closer to 1GB. This was proven when a NeoGAF user did the sensible thing and checked his internet bandwidth to see how much data he’d downloaded – when the progress bar was just under 50% he had downloaded 0.47GB.

Možnost posodobitve se lahko prekine in medtem gre počet kaj drugega oz. igrat kako igro, medtem pa se posodobitev daje dol v ozadju. Ko se pride nazaj iz igre pa vpraša če se posodobitev inštalira in to se le potrdi in počaka da se dodatki inštalirajo.

According to a Reddit user (and then verified by numerous GoNintendo commenters), when you set up your Wii U and set up your Wi-Fi connection you’re then asked to install the update. Choosing to do so starts the whole progress bar situation, but instead you should just choose the “Cancel” option.

Then you can do something else, be it play Nintendo Land or New Super Mario Bros. U or what have you, and the Wii U will download the update in the background, just like the 3DS does when it’s busting some SpotPass on you.

Then, when you decide you finally want to do the update, it will already have downloaded and the update process will immediately begin, taking between 10 and 15 minutes instead of the two hours some people were reporting.


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Tole sem jst bolj prebral kot 'we are lazy devs so we won't care'

in ravno tle je keč vseh težav, ki jih majo trenutni WiiU 3rd party špili, razen Ubisofta in deloma Treyarcha (ki ma že poseben forum za prijavo bugov in anomalij v BLOPS2 WiiU)

Arhitektura je precej drugačna kot pri X360 in PS3. Hiter eDRAM, počasnejši, a večji osrednji pomnilnik, poseben čip za audio procesiranje... dodajmo še specifično arhitekturo razvojnih orodji (ki zahtevajo več časa za prilagajanje) in če je devteam outsourcan (EA style) ali pa zgolj zelen (razvoj na eni platformi, neizkušenost z multiplat razvojem) in ne poišče supporta pri Nintendu, pride do težav.

Urejano od DrMiha



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Nope, sem jaz tudi prišel na to idejo, da je morda nemška verzija cenzurirana. Kolikor sem prebral na internetu, je tale verzija popolnoma enaka kot za druge trge.

Še 1x celoten komplet


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Kaj vse je priloženo


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PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Aja, paket je težji kot izgleda in v njem je "tipično" Wii pakiranje: dve plasti z nagužvanimi plastičnimi/vrečkastimi/kartonastimi zadevami. :D


Kaj vse je v paketu


Kot je vidno na sliki je konzola definitivno majhna, vendar večja kot Wii. Desno od nje je glavni kontroler (ja, točno ta zadeva, ki izgleda skoraj tako veliko kot samankonzola). :what:

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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