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PlayStation VR aka Project Morpheus - VR


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Končno so bile razkrite prodajne številke! Andrew House je razkril da je bilo od izida in do sedaj (v 4 mesecih) prodanih 915.000 PS VR enot! Se ne sliši veliko, ampak po ocenah HTC Vive in Oculus Rift skupaj nista prodala toliko VR očal. Glede na to da je so očala precej draga in da je tehnologija zelo nova, ter je večina sploh ne pozna, je tole po moje velik uspeh.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ja hopa! PS4 update 4.5 prinaša tudi skrite PS VR bombončke! PS Move kontrolerji so dobili zdravilo za svojo parkinsonovo bolezen (rahlo premikanje kontrolerjev v igri). PS Move sledenje je sedaj s precej manj premikanja. Gre za težavo, ki je konkurenca ni imela.

Velja omeniti, da je sledenje izboljšano samo za PS Move kontrolerje.


Kako in kaj je lepo in nazorno prikazano tukaj:


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sony je nakazal da se v kratkem obeta rahlo osvežena različica PS VR očal.


Is there a new PlayStation VR model? How is it different?
A hardware update to PlayStation VR is being prepared. The new version, model number CUH-ZVR2, features an updated design that enables the stereo headphone cables to be integrated with the VR headset and a slimmer, streamlined connection cable. There’s also an updated Processor Unit that supports HDR pass through, enabling users to enjoy HDR-compatible PS4 content on a TV without having to disconnect the Processor Unit in between the TV and the PS4 system. This function can be used only when the VR headset is turned off.


When will the new PS VR model become available in North America? How much will it be?
We will share details on the launch timing in North America at a later date. The pricing of the PS VR bundles will remain the same.


How can I distinguish between the old PS VR headset and the new one when I’m purchasing?
The packaging for PlayStation VR will change slightly when the new model hits stores. To differentiate, look for the model number printed on the box. The previous PS VR’s model number is CUH-ZVR1, and the new PS VR’s model number is CUH-ZVR2. Also, the product image on the packaging will be updated to show changes on the new model, like the integrated headphones on the VR headset.


If I already own a PS VR, can I swap out my old Processor Unit with the updated one?
Because the cables of CUH-ZVR1 and CUH-ZVR2 are different, you cannot swap the Processor Units.


Are the PS VR games I already own compatible with the new model?
Yes, all PS VR games are compatible with both PS VR models.

Torej zaenkrat ne kažejo nič revolucionarno. Le manjše izboljšave.

  • HDR pass through podpora, kar pomeni da za HDR sliko več ne bo potrebno preklapljati kablov iz PS VR procesorske enote direktno v TV. Sedaj bo HDR signal spustila skozi kar nova procesna enota.
  • Manj moteči kabli za slušalke - trenutni se je motal zraven kabla, kar je bila moteče.
  • Glavni kabel bi naj doživel dieto.

Več bomo verjetno izvedeli konec meseca (Paris games week) ali pa decembra ko bo PSX.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR bundle bo že vseboval osvežena PS VR očala!


Kot drugo, pa je na PS Store na voljo nov PS VR demo disc: PlayStation VR Demo Collection 2

  • Battlezone®
  • EVE: Valkyrie
  • Moss
  • Star Child
  • The Persistence
  • Thumper
  • Tiny Trax
  • Dino Frontier *
  • Fantastic Contraption *
  • Job Simulator *
  • Raw Data *
  • Rez Infinite *

*PlayStation®Move required


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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