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Death Stranding

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Iz EU PS bloga:


“People have created ‘Walls’ and become accustomed to living in isolation.

“Death Stranding is a completely new type of action game, where the goal of the player is to reconnect isolated cities and a fragmented society. It is created so that all elements, including the story and gameplay, are bound together by the theme of the ‘Strand’ or connection.

“As Sam Porter Bridges, you will attempt to bridge the divides in society, and in doing create new bonds or ‘Strands’ with other players around the globe. Through your experience playing the game, I hope you’ll come to understand the true importance of forging connections with others."


Če je še kdo zmeden kaj se dogaja in o čem se gre igra, je tukaj en povzetek:


Future humans use Science to explore an alternate dimension, and oopsie, they create a permanent bridge between the world we know and its opposite. The opposite world is Bad.

This Bad World is tethered to ours but not a direct mirror; different characters have different levels of connection to it. Daryl can't see the monsters but others can. If you get killed by a monster, you go to their world, and their world is in a different time - a World War-era. If you go there, you have to Do Battle to regain your body in our world and continue on the quest.

The baby is a Super Hero Baby that is fully connected with both worlds. At first Daryl carries it in a Glass Jar to protect it, but later the baby goes inside Daryl, because Daryl has a womb in one of the trailers, because Science. Once Daryl has the baby inside his tummy, he can see the Mean Monsters. The baby is also what allows Daryl to come back to our world after death.

The monsters mess with physics - accelerate time, change gravity, etc, because of Science. The Bad Humans use their connections with the Bad World to have Super Powers like the bosses in Metal Gear. They want more connection, so they kidnap Red Dress Woman, who has been to the other world and seen weird shit and has come back - she is the key to accessing the Full Power of the Bad World.

The game will be about Daryl journeying around using his Special Baby to bridge connections with other groups of people using Science, because after the apocalypse, all the phone lines are down.



Najzanimivejša verzija igre je collector's edition:


Med drugim vsebuje kovček in Life-sized BB (baby bridge) Pod Statue. Ja, dojenček v kozarcu! :D

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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@Ozi mebi isto gre se za Days Gone sem pač videl najave preden je igra izšla res zgodba odĺična ampak ce vidiš kaj se bo naprej dogajalo ni zanimivo oz potem ti pokvari igranje ker če veš kaj se bo vnaprej dogajalo ni več zanimanja ker si praktično vse prej izvedel kako se zgodba dogaja, drugo je ko ti ne veš kaj bo vnaprej naj te igra presenetu

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Skoraj 100% sem bil, da igre ne bom igral (vsaj ne ob "izidu"). No.. sem se kar fajn zmotil. Včeraj sem jo začel igrat in morem rečt samo VAUUU! Začetek igre (prve 3 ure) je res noro dober. V bistvu če ne bi vedo, kdo je razvijalec igre, bi to kar hitro ugotovil, ker ima igra res tiste odštekane finte od Kojime :). Grafika pa je še potem češnja na smetano, al kak se reče :D. 


To mi je ena izmed iger, pri kateri me že takoj nazaj vleče, da bi jo šau igrat, ampak kaj, ko mi šefica ne dovoli, dokler ne končam z šihtom 😊 (v takih primerih nikol ne vzemite svoje šefice za ženo 😀). Upam samo, da se res ne bo začela zelo ponavljat, kot je že omenil @medenko1975v chatu.. 


Cant wait for end my shift today 😛

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Rajsi kaj o igri napišita kak se vama zdi 🙂


Po 7ih urah igranja sem še kar v 2 epizodi in morem rečt, da ta hoja od "štaba do štaba" sploh ni tako napačna. Zanimivo je, da moreš nonstop pazit kako hodiš, še posebaj če greš čez vodo ali pa po hribu navzdol. Kot v real lajfu, lažje je it gor, kot pa dol :). Najbolj pa sn jezn, če sem slučajno nepazljiv in se kje tak spotaknem, da me vrže.. ja.. potem pa te čaka ujčkanje BBja, ker je zelo neprijetno, če se ti nonstop dere skozi ds4 :). V glavnem, Kojima je dobro vedo kaj dela in je ta, kot je zgoraj omenil @matej1990, walking simulator naredil zelo zanimiv. 


Aja, muzika v igri pa je tudi noro dobra!! Ko se ti med hojo začne predvajat kakšna pesem, se ti kar koža naježi.. res super super super. Že dolgo nisem bil tako zelo navdušen nad igro, kot sem nad Death Strandingom. 


Poklon Kojimi 🧎😃

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