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Ekskluzivno:Crytek: Wii U vsaj tako močen kot Xbox 360


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Tole ni bilo nikoli potrjeno in pomoje tudi ni ravno res. Folk je vzel komentarje Epica, da nekaj Wii U špilov laufa na UE, kot da so oni odgovorni za te tech demote.

Hm, res nisem nikoli preverjal, če to drži. :D Še tri tedne do GDC!

Fak, zdele šele pogledale tale fan made Wind Waker sequel .. čist hudo narejen in zamišljen. In me je samo spomnilo, kok je WWjev stil fenomenalen in bi z veseljem videl, da bi dejansko naredili še kak špil v taki obliki. :drool:

Obožujem cel-shaded grafiko. Brezčasna je. Skoraj 10 let je že od izida, pa se mi vsakič znova zasolzijo oči, ko ga vidim v akciji. Mogoče bo pa 3DS Zelda v tem stilu, kdo ve.

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Me že kar "meče" za tale Wii U. SNES je bil namreč prva in edina domača igralna konzola. Imam visoka pričakovanja za Nintendo in verjamem, vsaj glede na napovednike in novice, da me ne bo razočaral. To pa, da bo konzola na voljo še letos je pa pika na i za konec leta. :yes:

Če bo le možno bom zadevo prednaročil takoj ko bo možno. Vsekakor ne želim ostati brez konzole letos ter ob vstopu v novo leto. :blush::drool:


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Epic Games vice president Mark Rein:

“I like the Wii U. I think E3 will be a big eye-opener for people.”

“I played Batman: Arkham City on the Wii U and they are doing some really cool stuff with the controller.

“Do you remember the Zelda demo they had on it? Would you not buy a Wii U just to play that? Of course you would. That’s what Nintendo is all about. Their hardware is the software delivery service for their great content. That Zelda demo was gorgeous and we can do even more than that with Unreal Engine 3. I think it will do great.”

“I’d love it if they’d done it last year, but I’m excited for them to do it this year. I’d be shocked if it doesn’t do well.

“Did you play that Battle Mii game? Two players would play with a Wii Remote and Nunchuk and one would play with the Wii U controller?

“I would buy a Wii U to play that game in a heartbeat. And I hope people make those kind of games with our technology. I think we’ve yet to really see what the Wii U can do and I think at E3 this year they’re going to shock us.”

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The following information comes from a supposed inside source:

  • between ten to eleven Nintendo published retail games to be shown for Wii U at E3
  • third party games to be shown as well
  • around 70 Wii U games are currently in development from a variety of publishers
  • Nintendo will be publishing/releasing four Wii U games of their own before the end of 2012
  • considering pricing Wii U lower than they want to
  • big wave of 3DS and Wii U software this holiday season
  • Nintendo has at least three new franchises in development for the Wii U, coming from various studios

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Predvsem me zanima cena kolikšna bo, glede na novi kontroler in v kolikšni meri bo stari kontroler z motion senzorjem še uporaben. Pričakujem, da bo večjo vlogo prevzel novi kontroler saj v nasprotnem primeru stvar ne bo prav nič inovativna, razen grafike. Upam pa, da pride ven vsaj Mario ali pa Mario Kart kaj od tega, da se bo konzola dobro prodajala oz. imel pač en udaren title. Vsaj pri 3DS so po mojem zamočili, ko so spravili 3D Land in Kart mnogo pozneje ven.


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400€ bo pomoje malo huda cena, Nintendo še nikoli ni zašel v take višave .. upam, da jih je tudi fiasko z začetno 3DS ceno izučil, da ga ne bodo srali z WiiUjem.

Me pa sedaj že resno zanima, na kakšnem grafičnem nivoju bo tale WiiU, ker vsak teden pridejo ven eni trije nasprotujoči si komentarji kao anonimnih razvijalcev, ki naj bi že delali na WiiUju. Zaenkrat vse bolj kaže v smer, da WiiU ni nekaj blazno močnejši od X360/PS3 .. živi bili in videli. So pa po drugi strani tudi govorice, da bo naslednji Xbox precej manj naspidiran, kot bi se od njega pričakovalo, in bo šel M$ raje v Nintendovo smer z zaslužkom na hardwareu že od štarta .. hm hm. :)

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Par namigov o strojni moči WiiU v zadnjih dneh ...

Wii U Darksiders 2 graphics "at least as good" as PS3, Xbox 360 versions'

By Wesley Yin-Poole Published 23 May, 2012

Having inventory, map on the controller "will change people's perceptions".

The graphics of the Wii U version of Darksiders 2 are "at least as good" as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions', developer Vigil has said.

Game companies and developers are under strict orders not to discuss the Wii U in detail publicly, a directive that has led to speculation about the horsepower of Nintendo's Wi successor. Indeed one report from earlier this year claimed the Wii U was "not as capable" as the PS3 and Xbox 360.

But with final developer kits now with engineers, and Nintendo just two weeks away from unveiling the final version of the hardware at E3, Vigil has insisted Wii U owners will see visual parity when it comes to multiplatform games.

"The visuals will be the same," associate producer Jay Fitzloff told Eurogamer. "It's still a work in progress. But I know, at least as good is the way to say it."

In July last Vigil told Eurogamer it spent just five weeks in the run up to E3 2011 creating a working version of the action adventure game on Wii U. Then, Vigil said the Wii U had "plenty of horsepower", "so we're not going to have to make any visual concessions at all".

At that time developers were working off of second generation Wii U dev kits - early versions of the console - and its horsepower was in flux. Then, game director Marvin Donald said, "If the Wii U turns out to be this ridiculously powerful machine, we will probably make changes to our budget and scope to take advantage of that." This hasn't happened.

"[Getting Darksiders 2 working on Wii U] is not as challenging as you might think," Fitzloff said. "Getting it working was not any issue on the Wii U. It's just the control scheme. It's new territory. It's a new frontier. The Wii, after a while, there's a lot you could have done with the Wii controls, but everybody kind of got into a groove, and it became, here's how you handle this or here's how you handle this. Now it's the wild frontier. There's no set system. You've got to think outside the box because there's no precedence.

"It's not getting the game working on the system. It's getting a cool control system that feels correct. And that's where we're at now."

Vigil was even able to quickly get Darksiders 2 running with the Wii U controller, which can stream gameplay from the console.

"When we first got it up and running, you can have the game download to and run on the pad, and everybody was like, that could take a while, little worried," Fitzloff explained. "It took a programmer two lines of code and five minutes. Working with it is not difficult."

Darksiders 2 will use the Wii U controller in obvious ways - for inventory and map use - but the impact of these "no brainers" on gameplay is, according to Fitzloff, huge.

"Any game would have their inventory on the controller screen," he said. "But even that little simple thing is a big difference because you never have to stop the game on the main screen. That will change people's perceptions because you've never had a game where you didn't have to.

"They take you out [of the experience], whereas this just goes."

He added: "And you're talking about the low hanging fruit. You're talking about the easy stuff. The rest of it is where the challenge comes in. What do we do beyond that that makes it feel natural and integral?"

One developer working on Wii U, who wished to remain anonymous, told Eurogamer Wii U ports will at best look as good as PS3 and Xbox 360 games. However, he indicated gamers will only see its true graphics capabilities with games built from the ground up for Wii U later in its life cycle.

For its part, Nintendo has said its focus with the Wii U is gameplay, not graphics. "We do not focus on technology specs," Nintendo said in March of this year. "We understand that people like to dissect graphics and processing power, but the experience of playing will always be more important than raw numbers."


Hot on the heels of Vigil revealing that the Wii U version of Darksiders 2 will look "at least as good as" the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions, Gearbox Software has gone one step further, and insisted the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines will be the best-looking version.

Echoing Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford's comments made earlier this month, senior producer Brian Burleson described the Wii U is a "powerful, powerful machine".

Publishers and developers working with Wii U are under orders from Nintendo not to divulge information on the console, with technical specifications a closely guarded secret.

Previous reports have suggested Nintendo's first HD console is "not as capable" as the PS3 and Xbox 360. And Nintendo has issued a statement admitting its focus is on gameplay, not graphics. Eurogamer has been told by developers who wish to remain anonymous that Wii U ports of multiplatform games will look as good as PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, but games built from the ground up for the console will show its true potential.

While Burleson is under the same orders not to discuss the Wii U in detail, he insisted Gearbox has managed to get Aliens: Colonial Marines singing on the machine.

"[Creating the Wii U version] has been pretty easy," he told Eurogamer. "The Wii U is a powerful, powerful machine and it can do a lot of cool new things. And so the game itself, moving it over to work on the Wii U was not much of a chore.

"Now the interesting thing is finding out all the cool ways you can use the controller to do new stuff with it. You can imagine all the cool things we can do, with this franchise and having a thing with you, right?"

Gearbox plans to have Aliens' famous motion tracker displayed on the Wii U controller's touch screen controller, alerting players to the presence of those nasty aliens. There are other applications, too, although publisher Sega intervened in our discussion of them to prevent details from being divulged.

"You can imagine some cool features, for sure," Burleson said. "It's not hard to imagine some cool features."

The Wii U's power, though, is "one thing I can't talk about", he said. "Actually nailing the specs, they haven't come out with them yet."

But, the Wii U version of Aliens will "be better" than the PS3 and Xbox 360 version in terms of visuals, he confirmed. Why? Because of "more modern tech".

What Burleson is alluding to here is the suggestion that because the Wii U contains modern components, it will by default be more powerful than the ageing PS3 and Xbox 360.

How, exactly, will it be better? "You'll have to wait and see," Burleson teased. "Just trust me on that one."

Now, all eyes are on the E3 trade show next month, where Nintendo will unveil the final Wii U design, and third-parties will announce their Wii U games and plans.


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Trenutno znane specifikacije za pihajajočo Nintenovo kozolo WiiU:

Velikost kontrolerja Wii U GamePad 133.4 x 255.4 x 41 mm, teža 500g. Displej na dotik je 16x9, 6.2 inča.

Za nadzor se uporablja displej na dostik, L in R "palčka" z močnostjo klika, gumbi d-pad, A, B, X, Y, L, R, ZL , ZR, +/Start, -/Select, zaznavanje gibanja (accelerometer, gyro sensor, geomagnetic). Poleg tega imamo še gumbe power, home , synch, volume (za GamePadov stereo audio izhod) in gumb za nadzor televizije. Pad ima tudi tresenje/rumble, kamero, mikrofon, IR senzor in NFC čitalnik.

Baterija za GamePad zdrži od 3-5 ur odvisno od nastvitve ekrana. Lahko pa se uporablja med polnjenjem, ki trajo od 30min-2uri.

Sama konzola ima mere 46 x 172 x 268.5mm in tehta 1.5kg. Ima IBM CPU z grafiko AMD Radeon GPU.

Za nadzor se uporablja Wii U Game Pad, WiiMote (ali WiiMote Plus), Wii U Pro kontroler in ostale dodatne Wii kontrolerje (Nunchuck, Balance Board...)

Ima vgrajen flash pomnilni, lahko se pa uporablja tudi SD spominske kartice ali USB diske/ključke.

Video izhodi so HDMI, Wii D cable, Wii composite, W RBG cable, Wii S Cable in Wii AV cable. Podprte resolucije so 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p in 480i.

Podpira povezovanje v mrežo z Wi-fi z IEE802.11 b/g/n ali ethernet dodatek za žično povezovanje.

Ima še štiri USB2.0 priključke, dva spredaj dva zadaj.





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Čeprav gre za konzolo, ki ima pred PS3 in X360 kar nekaj let tehnološke prednosti, vsaj Nintendove igre, ki jih kažejo na E3, tečejo nativno zgolj v 720p resoluciji in ne v 1080p, kar Wii U drugače podpira.

Kot je potrdil Nintendov predstavnik na sejmu, tako Nintendo Land, New Super Mario Bros kot Pikmin 3 tečejo v 720p, od tega Pikmini s 60 sličicami na sekundo.


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Jah, načeloma je 1080p tako požrešen, da razvijalci raje spustijo resolucijo in izboljšajo grafiko/efekte/fps. To se ves čas dogaja že na X360/PS3, očitno se bo tudi na Wii U.

Pa še novica o Miiverseu in objavljanju komentarjev:

[h=2]Nintendo "human resources" must approve your Miiverse posts[/h]

Messages posted to Miiverse, Nintendo's suite of Wii U social functions, could face a delay of around 30 minutes to appear.

This is because the social networking service will be actively moderated by Nintendo-employed "human resources" personnel.

Each message posted to Miiverse, displayed on the Wii U desktop and in specific areas in Wii U software, will need to be read and verified before it becomes visible.

Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata said he thought a delay of half an hour when posting messages was fine.

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Po več ugibanjih ali se bo Activisionova požrešna serija pojavila tudi na novi Nintendovi konzoli, je sedaj jasno. Nov Call of Duty bo pristal tudi na WiiUju, kar bo prvič, da bo Call of Duty na Nintendovi platformi enak konkurenčnim platformam, saj smo na originalnem Wiiju dobili grafično pohabljeno inačico.


Nato je Nintendo še pojasnil, zakaj bo launch špilovje lezlo v 720p in ne v 1080p.

Seveda so premeteno vse postavili na razvijalce, ki se bodo, po Nintendovih besedah, "lahko sami odločali, v kakšnem načinu želijo, da njihova igra teče oz. da teče tako, da bo igri zagotovljena popolna gladkost delovanja". Živi bili, pa vidili.

Hkrati so third-partyem prepustili, da se sami odločajo o rezoluciji, je pa potrjeno, da bodo vsi first party naslovi, ki bodo v prodaji na launch-day, tekli v 720p.

Next up, potrjeno je tudi to, da Pikmin 3 ne bo imel spletnega modusa, kar se nam zdi bedno. Kompetitiven morda res ne, ampak sodelovalni bi pak sedel. Wadafak Nintendo, kva preveč Pikminov na zaslonu? Eh ja...


No MP says Nintendo. Žalosten bit...

In za konec še prava BOMBA s strani Reggieja. Friend kode so še zmeraj tu! Ou yeees. V intervjuju z Kotakujem je potrdil, da bodo prijateljske kode ostale, da pa bojo veliko boljše.. Ja, vush de... No ja, samo da ne bojo na poti, ko se enkrat dodamo s frendi, saj je sistem na Wiiju bil zares predpotopen.

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Vedno bolj kot razmišljam o ideji za Nintendo Landom, vedno bolj mi je všeč. Nintendo zgleda res želi casual igralcem predstaviti svoje stare utemeljene franšize, ki jih v štartu verjetno nikoli nebi povohali. Sedaj, če bo casual igralcu zadeva všeč, je definitivna možnost, da bo posegel po pravih inkarnacijah špilov.

Upam pa resnično, da se zberejo skupaj in končno že ponudijo normalno multiplayer izkušnjo. Tista cenzura Miiversa se mi pa zdi popolnoma na mestu. Da mi nek random post spoila konec kkga špila, se mi pa res zdi neumno.


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