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Battlefield 1


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Prvi DLC za BF1 They Shall Not Pass bo vseboval sledeče in še kaj:



As broken down by Westie in the video above, contents of They Shall Not Pass includes:

Four maps: Verdun Heights, Fort Vaux, Soissons and Rupture.






New Elite Class: Trench Raider – Melee focused character who packs around a lot of grenades. Two images below also show regular, enlisted men of the French army.




New Behemoth: Char 2C Super Heavy Tank




New vehicle: St. Chamond tank – Heavily armored tank built by the French as the second, heavy tank of WWI.




New stationary weapon: The short barreled Siege Howitzer. This artillery battery will take the place of the Field Guns on the new maps.




New game mode: Frontlines – A mixture of Conquest and Rush modes where two armies will play “tug of war” over objectives. When one army captures another’s HQ, they will then have to attack telegraph posts to stop communications and win the round.

Urejano od japanboy


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Dražilnik v prihajajoče DLCje po DLCju They Shall Not Pass:


In the Name of the Tsar


Enter the biggest front of WW1 with the Russian Army. Ride in Galicia with the legendary Hussars during the Brusilov offensive. Partake in the skirmishes of the Albion assault in a freezing archipelago and fight in the snow covered ravines of the treacherous Lupkow Pass.



Turning Tides


Participate in the amphibious warfare of WW1. Embark with the new destroyer into intense tactical naval clashes. Master the coastal class airship in the fierce interplay between land, air and sea. Engage in the daredevil Zeebrugge raid and storm the beaches in the first days of the Gallipoli offensive.





Go over the top in the most infamous battles of WW1. Conquer bitterly contested ground with brutal tools and unique weapons born out of desperation and deadlock. Never before have the nightmarish horrors of the Great War been closer as you descend into hell. Prepare to enter the Apocalypse.



Vsi ti DLCji bodo vsebovali nove vojske, mape, orožja in še kaj. Kdaj točno bodo izšli DICE ni povedal.

Urejano od japanboy


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Lastniki PCjev in Xbox One bodo od 3 do 5. marca lahko zastonj preizkusili BF 1. Odklenjeno bo vse od SP do MP.


Xbox One lastniki bodo potrebovali Xbox Live Gold. Trial bo pričel veljati ob 18. uri popoldan 3. marca in bo trajal do 6. marca do 9. ure zjutraj.

Vsi dosežki v igri, vključno z game in save data se bodo prenesli v polno verzijo igre, če se bo uporabnik za to odločil.


To play the trial on Xbox One, you will need to be an Xbox Live Gold subscriber, as it’s part of Xbox Live Gold’s Free Play Days. You will be able to play it starting Friday, March 3 at 9am PT/12pm ET/5pm UK until Sunday, March 5 at 11:59pm PT/2.59am ET (March 6) 7.59am UK (March 6).

All Gamerscore and Achievements earned during this event along with your saves and game data will carry forward into the full game if purchased.


PC lastniki bodo igro lahko preizkusili skozi Origin Open Trial. Trial se bo pričel 3. marca ob 14. uri in bo trajal do 6. marca 19. ure.

Na voljo bo 10 ur igralnega časa v 4 različnih večigralskih načinih na 5 različnih mapah. Na voljo bosta tudi 2 Vojni Zgodbi enoigralskega načina.


PC users can try Battlefield 1 through an Origin Open Trial period March 3-6. It kicks off Friday at 5am PT/8am ET/1pm UK and runs through Monday, March 6 at 10am PT/1pm ET/6pm UK.

You’ll get 10 hours of play time with four multiplayer modes on five maps. You can also play the first two War Stories of the game’s single player.




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Battlefest se je začel.


  • Od 30.3. lahko uporabniki, ki imajo Battlefield premium pass povabijo prijatelje in skupaj igrajo nove mape. Nova orožja niso vključena v to. Več informacij
  •  od 29.3. 12:00UTC do 31.3. 23:59 UTC je double XP
  • Če se prijaviš med 30.3. in 9.4. in igraš, dobiš 25. obletnico dogtag
  • Od 30.3. dalje, imaš možnost dobiti dodatnih 100 scrapov na dan:
    • 50 za dokončanje runde multiplayerja
    • 25 za zmago v multiplayerju
    • 25 za pojavo v hiughlightsih runde
  • in še marsikaj :D


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A first glimpse of Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar. Enter the war’s biggest front with the Russian army in the most extensive Battlefield expansion so far. Full expansion available September 2017.


In The Name of Tsar dražilnik (DLC bo izšel septembra 2017):



Še nekaj več informacij kaj čaka BF1 igralce.



Turning Tides DLC bo izšel decembra, medtem ko bo Apocalypse izšel zgodaj v 2018.

Urejano od japanboy


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